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Some horror stories of major trail punctures

Some horror stories of major trail punctures


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Following on from the article on tire repair methods on the trail, I thought it would be interesting to tell you about a few critical cases of punctures that could have cut the ride short. However, as a trail guide, I have often repaired punctures, even those that seemed impossible to repair successfully. For example, a few times I repaired punctures that were only a few inches wide and sometimes of irregular shape. Generally, we were always able to find a way to get out of trouble. Here are a few stories:

A puncture coupled with a dented rim

One of our participants had a good puncture: a rim that hooked inwards and tore a little, as well as having an irregularly shaped three-inch crack. First, I debossed the rim as gently as possible with the back of the axe. Then I used a combination of the two repair methods to seal it: a Sidewall Slug in the middle and wicks at both ends. The idea is to solidify the crack while sealing the air leak. The participant was able to return to her parking lot over 100 km away without having to add air on the way.

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Tire repaired with Sidewall Slug and wicks

A good crack in the tire sidewall!

I also experienced another situation for another of our participants, a 2.5-inch split on the inner side of the tire. Since it’s a nice slit and perpendicular to the rim, I put six plugs next to each other. The whole thing held together well for over 350 km. It wouldn’t have been possible to use the Sidewall Slug alone, as the slot was too long. What also helped was that it was a six-ply tire, i.e. the structure of the tire is stiffer than a two-ply tire, which helps hold the plugs in place.

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A crack successfully sealed with plugs

A good oval tear

Sometimes, repair can be too difficult or impossible, for example, a torn oval hole three inches in diameter, probably caused by an impact on the end of the branch while crossing in the water. We had spare wheels in the group; in this case, it was quicker and wiser to replace the wheel outright. However, if we hadn’t had a spare wheel, it probably would have worked with the Gluetread patches. Otherwise, I would have closed the rubber, then put two Sidewall Slugs, one on each side of the length of the tear, and wicks at the end to seal the whole thing.

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A good puncture

It probably wouldn’t be completely airtight, but if it meant you could ride for at least an hour before having to re-inflate every time, it’s already a success. The main aim of trail repairs is to get you to your destination, not to make a perfect repair as if you were in a garage.

Repair impossible

I also had another case, a one-inch crack. Every time we put bits in, the hole got bigger. We tried Sidewall Slug, but when we inserted the inner part, the hole tore even more. It’s probably a tire that was at an advanced age and has lost some of its qualities, or it’s a low-end quality tire. There was nothing we could do about it, we didn’t have a spare wheel, we left the ATV near a chalet and the participant continued the ride, boarding with another rider.

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Unsuccessful repair

Temporary or permanent repairs?

The use of plugs is considered a temporary repair. On the other hand, a patch or “Patch Plug” placed inside the tire by the garage is considered a permanent repair.

Manufacturers do not recommend the use of plugs and/or patches on the outside of the tire as a permanent repair, as they do not allow you to check the inside of the tire. In addition, patching only the inside of the tire is no longer recommended, as it doesn’t prevent water and debris from seeping through the hole on the outside. Depending on the tire model, there may be metal in the tire’s rubber, which can start to rust and lose its effectiveness.

My personal opinion

Personally, and I’m only speaking for myself, depending on the situation, I only change tires when the puncture is too big or when there are too many plugs on them. On average, I get about four punctures a year. Sometimes more. I often ride on trails with a high risk of punctures, such as sharp rocks, forestry debris and railroad tracks. If I had to go to the garage or change a tire for every puncture, it just wouldn’t be economically viable in terms of the risk involved. It can happen that, following a repair, the air leaks. When this happens, I remove the faulty plugs and replace them with new ones.

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End-of-life tire with seven wicks, three of which are visible in the photo, and about 6,000 km on the clock. No air leaks!

Guide tips

Here are a few tips to help you make the repair:

  • Always bring at least twenty plugs.
  • Make sure your repair kit is easily accessible at all times, and not in the back of the trunk, under the luggage.
  • Carry a spray bottle filled with soapy water (dish soap). This is a great help in finding a puncture in a tire, as it forms bubbles.

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You can see bubbles forming when there’s an air leak
  • Inflate the tire to the maximum value indicated on the sidewall, so that you can trace the puncture more easily, either by the sound of the air leak or by the formation of bubbles.

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The maximum value we can inflate is 36 PSI
  • A 12V-powered compressor is highly recommended rather than CO2 cylinders or an electric compressor, as you won’t be limited by the quantity of air or battery life.
  • A tire that has come off the rim is very difficult to put back on, but it’s not impossible. Put at least two ratchet straps next to each other on the tire and tighten just enough so that the bead touches the rim shoulder completely. Then inflate. The idea is to block the air outlet through the tire bead. It wasn’t easy, but with a lot of perseverance and patience, we eventually succeeded. When you feel the tire starting to stick, don’t forget to loosen the straps before inflating to the desired value, otherwise it could become dangerous and you could injure yourself.
  • A two-component epoxy putty can help seal most rim fractures.
  • If you have a puncture or a broken rim on a rear tire and decide to fit a spare, make sure it’s the same size as the intact wheel. This is to avoid additional stress on the rear differential. Otherwise, you’ll have to swap the two front wheels for the rear ones. Often, the front differential is of the open type, and therefore better able to withstand a rotational difference between the two wheels on the same axle.