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Choosing Snowmobile Insurance


Table des matières

Today, there are more than 180,000 snowmobiles in Quebec used as a means of transportation or recreational vehicle. However, even the most cautious driver is not immune to an accident. This guide will help you choose the right snowmobile insurance for your needs.

Read in this digital book:

  1. What does snowmobile insurance include?
    • Une protection obligatoire : l’assurance responsabilité civile
    • Options: protection against material damage to your vehicle
    • Supplements: Airmedic protection or legal protection insurance
  2. How is the cost of insurance calculated?
    • Each insurer has its own recipe and takes into account various factors, such as the strength of the engine, the class of snowmobile and the profile of the driver.
  3. What to do in case of a disaster?
    • In all cases, you must contact your insurer to notify them of the damage suffered and make a claim, if applicable.
  4. Checklist for your snowmobile rides

By driving safely and responsibly, by being a member of a snowmobile club and by properly insuring your snowmobile, you can enjoy the snowy trails with peace of mind!

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