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Backcountry snowmobiling for beginners

Formation Hors-Piste pour débutant


Table des matières

Backcountry snowmobiling continues to grow in popularity with new enthusiasts season after season. Even many people who ride on the trail have just been ”converted”. This craze could be explained by the feeling of freedom that this practice brings. One literally has the impression of floating on the snow and feels a powerful accomplishment to be able to climb higher and higher, to places that were previously inaccessible. 

Backcountry snowmobiling for beginners

We have all seen videos and photos of the feats that professionals manage to do on very steep slopes. These images give us the impression of ease and comfort in controlling such a machine. Well, there is a lot of practice and landings to get to that point! However, it is possible to learn it on the fast track with training courses according to your level of skills. So, before you start backcountry snowmobiling, you need to have the right techniques to succeed in the maneuvers, but also to be safe at all times. You must know the good practices in order not to harm this sport which does not always have good press and especially know the territory well before venturing out. 

In order to train new adepts, but also people used to snowmobiling, Hors-Piste Québec is there to help you. The team offers different levels of training; 1: Beginner, 2: Intermediate, 3: Advanced. Moreover, a introductory training is available if you plan to go to the Canadian West and the Rocky Mountains in the United States. This last training is really well adapted to ensure you take full advantage of a trip that will cost you several thousand dollars.  

Backcountry snowmobiling for beginners

Let’s go back to where we started, someone who wants to get started in this sport. The important thing is to have the right techniques from the beginning to work on your machine in an optimal way and to make sure you do it safely. The Level 1: Beginner course will give you a solid foundation and enable you to perform your first maneuvers with confidence. This course is divided as follows; 

  • Basic techniques
  • Driving position
  • Flotation techniques
  • Tips and techniques for adjusting your snowmobile (suspension, geometry and handlebars)
  • Counter-steering maneuver
  • Techniques to get out of the way without physical effort
  • And much more… 

Backcountry snowmobiling for beginners

With all these tips and techniques, you will save a lot of time. Your understanding of mountain snowmobiling will be efficient and your progress very fast. It is a worthwhile investment and will also allow you to confirm that you love off-road snowmobiling.   


Hors-Piste Québec was created to train new adepts, but also to help enthusiasts progress to other levels in order to further develop their skills on steep terrain.  If you want to book your lessons or get more information, contact this team of enthusiasts! 

For more information please visit ww.horspistequebec.com or by phone at (418) 673-7335.