Arctic Cat Snowmobiles New for 2018 – New, refined, improved… Three words that sum up the 2018 lineup at the Theif River Falls-based manufacturer… Arctic Cat engineers had one big issue for a few years, the production of a Minnesota-made 800 CC two-stroke engine. In 2010, Arctic Cat made the decision to start manufacturing their two-stroke engine for the snowmobile division. The manufacturing plant is located in St-Cloud, Minnesota, and has been in operation since 2007.  The first born was the 600 C-TEC2 in 2014, the company took a few years to come up with the next logical step in mid-season 2017, the 800 C-TEC2, which replaced the good old 800 two-cylinder Suzuki.
This reduces Suzuki’s involvement as an engine manufacturer to the fan-cooled 570 CC for 2018. 1976 was the beginning of the partnership between Suzuki and Arctic Cat, older folks will remember the 3000, 4000 and 5000 series. At the time, the company was focusing on larger displacement engines that allowed more power at lower engine speeds. Many Suzuki engines have redefined the industry standards over the years, who doesn’t remember the famous F7, the small 700 CC that dominated the world of acceleration for many years, the famous 1100 turbo in 2009, which was the first four-stroke turbo with more than 175 steam horsepower in production.
In addition to the new 800 C-TEC2, Arctic Cat is introducing the new Ascender mountain platform, two new Norseman models, a new Bearcat model and the ZR200, a snowmobile for our future riders!
Two-phase injection
C-TEC2 technology was introduced in 2014 in a 600 CC version. There are several features to remember in this new technology, including two-phase injection. A first phase consists of injecting the fuel directly onto the piston via an injector that is located at the top of the cylinder transfer port (boost port). For the second phase, just like on the 600 CC version, we find a piston with an opening on the wall allowing a fuel injection phase through this opening under the piston. This injection phase is used when necessary for high speed operation of the engine, but also plays a role in lubricating and cooling the connecting rod and crankshaft bearings.
Exhaust valves
A lot of evolution has taken place since the first exhaust valve versions in the late 80’s, and it continues with the C-TEC 2! The principle is still the same since all these years, to have large exhaust ports to allow a very large volume of exhaust at high RPM, with efficient valves that decrease the opening at low RPM, for a better performance and fuel economy. Today’s cylinders have three exhaust ports, one primary and two secondary, which allows for greater variability in opening. The main exhaust port valve is a well known guillotine principle, while the secondary ports have circular valves that are fully closed at low rpm to improve throttle response and performance. Several components are taken into consideration in the management of the opening of the valves, the engine revolution, the temperature of the calibrated pipe (EPTS: exhaust pipe temperature sensor) and the barometric pressure.
New rail and fuel regulator
On the old Suzuki 800, the intake, exhaust, fuel rail and injectors were all located on the same side, towards the front of the snowmobile. On the C-TEC2, the fuel rail and injectors are now located at the rear of the engine. What’s special is that engineers positioned a pressure regulator on the rail between the two injectors, to ensure a constant pressure as they inject into the cylinder.
Automatic decompression
The exhaust valves are by default closed at low rpm which has the effect of slightly increasing the compression, so when the engine shuts down, there is automatically a reset which opens the valves. This operation decreases the compression making it easier to start!
Nothing less than two 50-millimeter throttle valves are used to feed air to the new 800. Engineers redesigned new W-shaped valves (Vforce style) and shorter intake manifolds, improving throttle response, especially at low rpm!
Electronic oil pump
Most readers will agree that the old 800, with a purely mechanical oil pump connected to the throttle body, is now outdated. Electronically controlled, the new pump uses only the necessary amount of oil, according to the various parameters monitored by the control unit. Moreover, to be as efficient as possible, the oil is injected from two different places; through the intake manifolds, which is common in the industry, but also into the fuel intake rail. The oil is thus mixed with the gasoline before being propelled through the injectors into the engine, which facilitates its propagation for the lubrication of the various bearings.
On the trail
Expectations were high for the 800 CC version of the C-TEC 2. Although the Suzuki 800 developed great power at full throttle, low and mid-range performance was insufficient, and oil and fuel consumption were losing ground to the competition. Arctic Cat seems to have done its homework with this new 800, they mention a 30% reduction in oil consumption under 7000 rpm, and a 10% reduction in fuel consumption at full throttle. Power at low rpm is increased by 36% and by 18% at mid-range. Unfortunately we tested the new 800 at 6000 feet which makes it very difficult to compare performance when you can easily observe a reduction of more than 20% in power at this height. Despite the altitude, the improvements at low rpm are easily noticeable, the reduction of smoke at idle is a clear improvement, and the throttle response really feels easier than the old engine. The hesitation that used to occur at low rpm after two or three throttle strokes is gone, the cold hesitation that was unpleasant now seems to be a thing of the past! Without a doubt, the improvements make it a much better snowmobile!
Ascender PlateformÂ
Partially introduced last year on the Mountain Cat version, Arctic Cat engineers are introducing the new Ascender! mountain platform.
This new platform is 10% narrower than the 2017 versions, it provides better ergonomics for powder riding, but also greater ease on the mountainside. We find the new side panels and hood easily removable to facilitate maintenance introduced on the 9000 versions of last year. On the chassis side, the footboards are one inch narrower, the footbraces have been moved forward two inches to improve mass centralization and a weight reduction is included. To improve performance in deep snow, the Arctic Mountain Drive System, introduced last year, is included. The drive shaft is repositioned 2.86 cm lower, allowing for a 9.7-degree shallower angle of attack for easier work in powder.
There’s no doubt that Arctic Cat needed something new in the mountain segment. The improvements are noticeable compared to the old chassis, the snowmobile is easier to maneuver, easier to lay down in the powder. In the 800 version, with the new C-TEC 2, powder starts are easier, the response is much better and above all, much more linear. With the improved angle of attack of the track, it is clearly a better mountain snowmobile!
2018 Arctic Cat Norseman
The Noresman is designed for those who like to work, but sometimes have fun in the powder or on the trail. They feature the new quick-release panels and hood, luggage rack and mid-high windshield. Equipped with a 154 inch track with 1.6 studs, it offers great traction in powder, and thanks to the articulated rear suspension, it facilitates maneuverability on the trail, and when locked in the upright position, it offers full traction in deep snow.
The Norseman 3000 is equipped with the 700 CC four-stroke, while the 6000 version is powered by the 600 CC C-TEC2. After a few kilometers, you’ll find a versatile snowmobile that is very pleasant in the undergrowth or in the powder. Hours of pleasure for its owner.
2018 Arctic Cat Bearcat XT
The latest addition to the utility line is the Bearcat XT. A small 540 cc fan-cooled two-cylinder engine with a 2-speed transmission in forward and reverse. The twin of the Yamaha VK540, it offers a good price/quality ratio for those who need a work snowmobile. With its two-speed transmission, it will certainly do well with a load to pull.
2018 Arctic Cat ZR200
A brand new category for 2018 at Arctic Cat, we are targeting the 8-14 year old market, the ZR200! A small 200 CC four-stroke engine with about 9 horsepower. With a top speed of about 55 mph, the throttle is adjustable to decrease power if needed! We tried it and had a lot of fun!